Video what is brooklyn style domino’s pizza

Hello, pizza lovers! Whether you consider yourself a pizza connoisseur or just someone who enjoys a good slice, I’m here to share some delicious insights with you. Today, we’re going to dive into a mouthwatering debate that has captured the hearts (and stomachs) of pizza enthusiasts worldwide: the showdown between Domino’s Brooklyn Style and Hand Tossed Pizza. Both styles have made a name for themselves, but what sets them apart? Let’s uncover the secrets and find out.

An Introduction to Domino’s Pizza Styles

Before we delve into the comparison, let me give you a quick overview. Domino’s offers a variety of pizza crust options, including Hand Tossed, Brooklyn Style, Crunchy Thin Crust, Gluten-Free Crust, and Handmade Pan. Today, we’ll be focusing on the Brooklyn Style and the Hand Tossed pizzas.

What Is Brooklyn Style?

Imagine a thin, flexible slice of pizza that you can fold and devour on the go. That’s the essence of Brooklyn Style pizza, paying homage to the iconic New York style. It’s named after the borough of Brooklyn and captures the spirit perfectly.

The crust of the Brooklyn Style pizza is thinner and more stretchy than other options on Domino’s menu. It has a unique slightly gritty texture thanks to a cornmeal-dusted crust. The slices are cut larger, allowing you to experience the classic New York “fold and eat” approach. And let’s not forget about the toppings! Domino’s goes all out, loading up the Brooklyn Style with generous amounts of your favorite toppings.

What Is Hand Tossed Pizza?

Now, let’s talk about the ever-classic Hand Tossed pizza. When you think of traditional pizza, this is what comes to mind. It’s a crowd-pleaser with a just-right thickness that satisfies every pizza craving.

The Hand Tossed crust at Domino’s is characterized by a soft, doughy interior and a slightly crispy exterior. The use of high-gluten flour and the hand shaping process gives it a rustic look. Unlike the Brooklyn Style, Hand Tossed pizzas have a more uniform distribution of toppings and a thicker edge or “pizza bone” that many people love.

A Comparative Analysis

Now that we know the basics, let’s dive into a detailed comparison between the two pizza styles.


The Brooklyn Style crust offers a slightly crispy yet mostly soft and foldable texture. It’s perfect for a fun and casual eating experience. However, be mindful that the thin base might not hold up well if you opt for a mountain of heavy toppings.

On the other hand, the Hand Tossed pizza presents a sturdier base that can handle lots of toppings. It’s slightly thicker with a doughy interior and a crisp exterior, providing a satisfying crunch for those who enjoy it.


Domino’s is known for being generous with toppings, but the difference lies in the distribution. The Brooklyn Style pizza typically has a lighter spread of tomato sauce and a higher quantity of toppings. However, due to the thinness of the crust, there’s a limit to how many toppings it can handle before it becomes difficult to eat.

The Hand Tossed pizza, with its more robust base, can handle an abundance of toppings. The sauce and cheese distribution is more uniform, creating a balanced flavor in every bite.

Size and Servings

If you’re sharing your pizza, the Brooklyn Style is available in large sizes only, making it perfect for a group gathering. However, if you’re dining alone or with a smaller party, the Hand Tossed pizza offers more flexibility with its range of sizes, from small to extra-large.

When comparing Domino’s Brooklyn Style and Hand Tossed Pizza, it’s important to consider the dimensions and size of a 10-inch pizza to make the perfect choice for your cravings.

The Verdict: It’s All About Personal Preference

Now comes the ultimate question: which pizza style is superior? Well, as a seasoned chef and a self-proclaimed pizza master, I have to say that it’s subjective! The “best” pizza style truly depends on your individual palate and preferences.

Some may prefer the light, thin, and generously topped Brooklyn Style, while others might opt for the classic, well-rounded Hand Tossed pizza. At the end of the day, both options offer delicious flavors and unique experiences.

Health Considerations

If you’re conscious about your health, here are a few things to consider. The Brooklyn Style pizza, with its thinner crust, might have slightly fewer calories. However, keep in mind that the calorie count can quickly change depending on the quantity and type of toppings you choose.

On the other hand, the Hand Tossed pizza, although potentially higher in calories, offers a more balanced distribution of ingredients. It’s also available in smaller sizes, which can help with portion control if you’re watching your caloric intake.

Hosting a Pizza Party?

Are you planning a pizza party? Why not cater to everyone’s taste buds by offering a variety of Hand Tossed and Brooklyn Style pies? This way, your guests can enjoy the best of both worlds and engage in a friendly taste comparison. After all, variety is the spice of life!

Embark on a Culinary Adventure

If you’re a die-hard fan of one pizza style, consider branching out and trying something new. Give the Brooklyn Style a whirl if you usually go for Hand Tossed, or vice versa. Culinary adventures often lead to amazing discoveries, and who knows, you might just find a new favorite!

A Closer Look at Ingredients and Flavors

While we’ve covered the textures, toppings, and overall characteristics of the Brooklyn Style and Hand Tossed pizzas, we haven’t dived into the ingredients and flavors that make them truly scrumptious. Let’s rectify that!

The Crust – A Balance of Flavor and Texture

The Brooklyn Style crust is made with high-gluten flour, yeast, a touch of sugar, salt, and water. This combination, along with the thin spread of dough, creates a unique taste and texture. The cornmeal dusted on the bottom adds a slightly nutty flavor and a delightful gritty texture.

Hand Tossed pizza, on the other hand, is made from a dough that typically includes bread flour, yeast, a pinch of sugar, salt, water, and sometimes olive oil. This gives the crust a denser and doughier flavor and texture.

The Sauce – A Symphony of Tomatoes and Herbs

Domino’s uses a tomato sauce that strikes a perfect balance between sweet, sour, and savory flavors. Both the Brooklyn Style and Hand Tossed pizzas feature a robust sauce infused with garlic, salt, and spices. However, the Brooklyn Style usually has a lighter spread of sauce, allowing the flavors of the toppings to shine. In contrast, the Hand Tossed pizza often sports a more generous sauce spread, contributing to the overall flavor profile.

Cheese and Toppings – Unleash Your Creativity

Both pizza styles come with a blend of mozzarella and provolone cheese, offering a gooey, stretchy, and richly satisfying experience.

When it comes to toppings, Domino’s provides a wide range of options, allowing you to customize your pie to your heart’s content. The Brooklyn Style pizza is typically more liberally topped, but remember that the thin crust might not support heavy toppings. The Hand Tossed pizza, with its sturdier foundation, can handle a variety of toppings without getting soggy or floppy.

Final Words

In the end, it all comes down to personal preference. Whether you prefer the thin, foldable slices of the Brooklyn Style or the well-rounded flavors of the Hand Tossed, Domino’s has got you covered.

So, next time you’re craving a pizza, make a choice that excites your taste buds and satisfies your pizza desires. And remember, there’s no wrong decision when it comes to pizza – just delicious adventures to embark on!

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Nigel Gildon editor:Nigel Gildon is the editor of Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou: Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years and has a passion for helping new authors get their work into the hands of readers. 63 Liberty Street * Springfield, MA 01003

This post was last modified on 12/28/2023 11:06 pm