Video can you use pasta sauce as pizza sauce

Pizza, the ultimate comfort food, has been a saving grace during the pandemic. But what happens when you’re all set to make your own pizza and realize you’re out of pizza sauce? Don’t fret, because we’re about to spill the beans on whether you can substitute spaghetti sauce for pizza sauce. Get ready to satisfy those pizza cravings with a little twist!

Pizza Sauce Vs. Pasta Sauce

What sets pizza sauce apart from pasta sauce? Let’s dive into the key differences between these two saucy stars.

What’s the Main Difference Between Pizza Sauce and Pasta Sauce?

Pizza sauce is typically a raw sauce, while pasta sauce is cooked. The raw nature of pizza sauce allows it to cook perfectly in the oven, infusing the flavors of oregano, thyme, pepper, onion powder, and various Italian spices. Pizza sauce has a smoother consistency and a tangy taste that complements the cheese and toppings.

On the other hand, pasta sauce contains chunky tomato bits, enhancing each bite of spaghetti. It’s made with crushed tomatoes, basic spices like salt, pepper, and dried oregano, and may even include ground beef or Italian sausage.

Other Differences between Pizza Sauce and Pasta Sauce

Apart from the preparation methods, there are a few more differences to note:

1. Ingredients

Pizza sauce has simpler ingredients, focusing on flavors like oregano, pepper, garlic, basil, and other Italian spices. It’s designed to be a versatile base that pairs well with any savory topping.

Pasta sauce, on the other hand, has chunkier slices of tomatoes and often includes additional ingredients like onion slices, ground beef, sausages, and more.

2. Preparation

Pizza sauce needs to be thick to sit on top of the pizza without making the crust soggy. Excess spices can overshadow the toppings, so the sauce needs to strike the perfect balance.

Pasta sauce, however, benefits from having a good amount of water content to prevent dehydration during longer cooking times. It’s meant to hydrate the pasta and create a perfect consistency.

3. Consistency

Pasta sauce simmers down to a thick reduction of flavors, adding richness and consistency to the pasta. A thin pasta sauce can make the pasta too sticky.

On the other hand, pizza sauce should have a smoother consistency that blends well with the crust and toppings.

How To Turn Pizza Sauce into Spaghetti Sauce

If you find yourself with pizza sauce but no spaghetti sauce, you can easily transform it. Here’s how:

  1. Take your jarred pizza sauce to the stovetop.
  2. Before turning on the heat, add some pasta water from boiled pasta.
  3. Adjust the balance of sugar and salt to your taste.
  4. Feel free to add any toppings you like, such as vegetables or meat.
  5. Let the sauce simmer to ensure the sugar and condiments blend perfectly.

How To Turn Spaghetti Sauce into Pizza Sauce

When you’re in the mood for pizza but only have spaghetti sauce, don’t worry. You can make a delicious pizza sauce substitute with these steps:

  1. Put your jarred pasta sauce in a food processor to blend the chunky tomatoes and other condiments into a smooth paste.
  2. Turn on the heat and let the blended mixture simmer until it reaches a thick pizza sauce consistency.
  3. Add salt, sugar, onion powder, garlic powder, or any other spices to your taste.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can You Substitute Pasta Sauce with Pizza Sauce?
    Absolutely! By adding water to the pasta sauce and following our instructions, you can achieve the perfect consistency for your pizza.

  2. What is the Difference Between Pasta Sauce and Pizza Sauce?
    The main differences lie in the preparation, consistency, and ingredients. However, both sauces can be used interchangeably with a few tweaks.

  3. What Can Be Substituted for Pizza Sauce?
    If you’re looking for alternatives to pizza sauce, consider using pesto, white garlic sauce, Buffalo sauce, or even hummus. Just ensure the flavors complement your chosen toppings.

  4. What Can I Add to Marinara Sauce?
    When repurposing pizza sauce as pasta sauce, feel free to add pepper flakes, garlic, oregano, basil, Italian seasoning, or other condiments. You can also incorporate vegetables and processed meats for added flavor.

In Conclusion

Whether you choose pizza sauce or pasta sauce, both can be customized to your liking. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and toppings. We hope we’ve answered your burning question about substituting spaghetti sauce for pizza sauce. Until next time, happy feasting!

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Nigel Gildon editor:Nigel Gildon is the editor of Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou: Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years and has a passion for helping new authors get their work into the hands of readers. 63 Liberty Street * Springfield, MA 01003

This post was last modified on 12/28/2023 7:14 pm