Video why is my monstera turning yellow

Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, is a stunning tropical plant renowned for its intricately shaped leaves. These indoor plants thrive in shady conditions, making them a popular choice among plant lovers. However, one common concern is the yellowing of Monstera leaves. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to help you maintain vibrant green leaves for your Monstera plant.

1. Proper Watering Techniques

Both under-watering and overwatering can cause yellowing leaves in Monstera plants. If the leaves feel dry and brittle, they may be suffering from underwatering. On the other hand, if the leaves are moist and appear to be rotting, overwatering may be the culprit, leading to stem and root rot. Investing in a pot with a drainage hole can help regulate moisture levels. Adjusting watering levels and frequency can also resolve watering issues.

2. Optimal Lighting Conditions

Monstera plants thrive in shade and require lower light levels to flourish. Exposing them to excessive sunlight, especially direct sunlight, can damage the leaves. Find a spot in your home that receives early morning or late afternoon sun or place them in low-light rooms. However, too little light can also hinder photosynthesis and growth. Ensuring proper lighting levels is crucial to prevent yellowing of Monstera leaves.

3. Maintaining the Right Temperature and Humidity

When growing Monstera plants indoors, it’s essential to maintain moderate temperature and humidity levels. Extreme cold can stunt their growth, while excessive heat can cause dryness and rapid decline. Additionally, adequate humidity is crucial, especially during winter when indoor moisture levels may be low. Misting your Monstera plant daily can help combat dryness and promote healthy growth.

4. Pest Prevention

Monstera plants are known for their resilience against pests. By keeping your plant healthy and free from other infested plants, you can minimize pest-related issues. However, certain pests like thrips, powdery mildew, scale, spider mites, and fungus gnats can attack weakened or stressed plants, leading to leaf loss. Regularly removing dead leaves and maintaining clean soil can help prevent these pests from infesting your Monstera plant.

5. Fertilizer Application

While most house plants don’t require excessive fertilization, occasional application of a nitrogen-rich mix can benefit Monstera plants. As predominantly foliage plants, Monstera thrives with nitrogen, which keeps their leaves vibrant green. However, it’s crucial to fertilize sparingly and avoid overdoing it, as excessive fertilization can burn the roots and stems, resulting in yellow leaves. Apply a mild nitrogen-rich fertilizer once a year before the warmer months for optimal results.

6. Addressing Root Bound Conditions

Monstera plants can quickly outgrow their pots, leading to root bound conditions. This occurs when the roots exceed the available space in the pot, causing nutrient deficiencies and stress. To improve nutrient absorption, consider repotting your Monstera plant or at least loosening the root ball and returning it to its pot. This will ensure your plant has ample soil to thrive.

7. Understanding Seasonal Changes

While primarily affecting outdoor plants, seasonal changes can impact the growth and appearance of Monstera plants. During colder temperatures, some Monstera plants may naturally shed leaves and become dormant. As long as the main plant and roots are protected from extreme cold, minor yellowing of leaves during winter shouldn’t cause significant concern. However, closely monitor predicted temperatures to ensure your plant’s well-being.

8. Embrace Natural Aging

Just like any living thing, Monstera plants age. Older leaves naturally die out as part of the plant’s life cycle. Typically, larger lower leaves are the first to turn yellow and fall off. You can choose to leave them until they are mostly yellow or trim them if they detract from the plant’s overall appearance. As long as the rest of the plant looks healthy and thriving, this natural process shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

9. Pruning with Care

Occasional pruning is necessary to maintain the beauty of your Monstera plant and stimulate new growth. When removing yellowing leaves, exercise caution to avoid excessive pruning, as it can stress the plant and divert nutrients from the rest of it. Ideally, avoid removing more than one-third of the overall plant bulk at once. Remember, less is more when it comes to trimming your Monstera.

10. Consider Plant Location

The location of your Monstera plant can significantly impact its growth and the frequency of yellow leaf appearances. Indoors, ensure your plant is placed in a room with adequate lighting or near windows that allow natural light to filter in. Pay attention to air conditioning and heating vents, as direct exposure to hot or cold air can cause stress and lead to yellowing and dying leaves.

11. Repotting for Optimal Growth

If you notice yellow leaves and none of the above solutions work, consider repotting your Monstera plant. When a plant’s root system becomes too confined, it can lead to root rot and poor soil moisture retention. Repotting involves gently removing the plant from its current pot, loosening the roots for natural growth, and transferring it to a larger pot with fresh soil. Repotting indoor plants regularly can be challenging, as it may cause transplant stress. Approach repotting with care to minimize stress and give your plant the best chance for recovery.

Dealing With Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Monstera plants are extraordinary additions to any home, with their dramatic hole-filled leaves and trailing vines. While yellowing leaves may be concerning, following the techniques mentioned above can help you maintain vibrant and healthy Monstera plants. Looking for a reliable source of compost to enrich your Monstera’s soil? Lomi offers the perfect solution for all your houseplant needs.

Remember, a little care goes a long way in preserving the lush beauty of your Monstera plants. So keep these tips in mind, and enjoy the vibrant green foliage that will transform your space into a tropical oasis!


Nigel Gildon editor:Nigel Gildon is the editor of Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou: Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years and has a passion for helping new authors get their work into the hands of readers. 63 Liberty Street * Springfield, MA 01003

This post was last modified on 12/29/2023 4:41 am