Let me start by saying something I absolutely do not like at all. And I know, what an inappropriate day (of all days) to be disliking something, the day of love … However, I really don’t like it at all when a Pinterest pin goes no where.

More times than I’d like to recall (I’d hate to confess how often I use Pinterest 😉 …) I’ve gone to click through on a project I pinned and it’s a dead link. That makes me sad.

Normally I am able to find the link through a little digging, but in this particular instance I couldn’t. 😦 (So if anyone comes across the original source, please let me know!)

Now that I got my dislike out of the way, let me share a few things I love:

I love Pinterest. (I really do). And I love my husband. And he loves Maple Nut Goodies.

Have you ever heard of Maple Nut Goodies? I never had before I met my husband. But he introduced them to me as his absolute favorite candy.

They are little maple-flavored nuggets coated in a butterscotch layer. The Bach version of the candy is okay-ish. Kind of plastic tasting in my opinion.

However, insert my idea to surprise my amazing husband with a baggie of homemade Maple Nut Goodies.

Normally recipes are only a Google click away. However, searching for a Maple Nut Goodies recipe was not that simple for me. After a little digging I did find a very confusing and jumbled pin with a recipe and I just decided to give it a try (worst case scenario I’m out a few dollars on evaporated milk and confectioner’s sugar … no big deal really). You can see that original pin here.

Well I changed it some, and let me tell you … these are amazing. They put the cheap plastic-y grocery-store version ones to shame. Rich with thick, sweet tones of maple. These are so good (I definitely had to avoid eating them the entire time I was making them.)

Also the nugget layer is very thick and easy to mold. I could easily see using these for other holidays (Christmas, Easter, even birthday shapes!) … or possibly even rolling the nugget layer out on some parchment paper and using small cookie cutters to shape them.

Now this was also a very messy recipe, and I under-bought butterscotch chips (I also noticed how many ingredients were in the butterscotch chips (yikes!) and might see if I can find a recipe to make my own next time …)

Nevertheless, despite their lack of beauty, they did not lack at all in taste. 🙂 My husband said I have ruined him for the cheap, bagged kind (that’s good as far as I’m concerned!).

So here is the recipe (note the adjustments I made … no way am I mixing in wax to my food … the coconut oil probably makes them less stable to warm temperatures, but just store them in the fridge 🙂 ):

Maple Nut Goodies Candy Recipe (for Valentine’s Day)

For the Nugget:

  • 1 1/2-2 lbs Confectioners Sugar
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 Tbsp natural maple flavoring
  • 1 lb chopped pecans

For the Coating:

  • 1 lb butterscotch pieces
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil (give or take)
  1. If using whole pecans (because they are cheaper, anyone else do this? lol), run the pecans through a food processor until small pieces but be careful not to turn them into flour (or almond butter for that matter! 🙂 )
  2. Mix together the almond pieces, maple flavoring, condensed milk, butter, and 1 1/2 lbs of the confectioners sugar. Add more sugar if the mixture is too sticky or does not hold together well.
  3. Taste this. Yes, that’s a step. It’s amazing.
  4. Once the mixture is cool enough to handle, form into balls (or fun, seasonal shapes) on lined baking sheets.
  5. Place the baking sheets in the freezer for an hour.
  6. Near the end of the freezing time, melt the butterscotch pieces with the coconut oil in a double broiler (or a regular pan, just use very low heat and stir constantly).
  7. Dunk the frozen nugget pieces in the candy, using a brush to smooth out the coating. Place back in the freezer for 15-30 minutes to freeze up.
  8. Put in a bag and surprise someone you love 🙂

Ps. This recipe makes a HUGE batch. I mean a ton of candies. Enough to cover nearly 2 baking sheets. So feel free to half it, though I don’t know what you would do with 1/2 a can of condensed milk. You could be like Pooh Bear and have it on some toast with honey I suppose though 🙂 That might make for a very fun Valentine’s tea party 😉

Clearly they were a hit:

And I couldn’t resist this picture of my sweet little lady! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Nigel Gildon editor:Nigel Gildon is the editor of Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou: Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years and has a passion for helping new authors get their work into the hands of readers. 63 Liberty Street * Springfield, MA 01003

This post was last modified on 12/29/2023 1:47 pm